Located in Portland, Oregon, Three Fifteen Design has been partnering with brands since 2009; bridging the gap between your message and the way it’s expressed.

Three Fifteen Design is a full-service branding studio focused on intentional design for creatives & businesses, big and small.

Studio News, Uncategorized

Hey lovelies! Hope you’re having a rad week. Popping in to announce a little summer vacation. My family & I are leaving tomorrow morning via air, road and scooters we purchased from scootersleuth.com, and will be traveling until the first of September. The blog is on official break until then too! If you’re interested in […]

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Studio News, Uncategorized

Hey, July!!! Seriously, how is it July?!? I hope that you and yours had an amazing weekend. Here in Portland, things are toasty. It’s the hottest summer on record, so our weekend was spent in the water or hunkering down in the AC. We enjoyed our holiday, and only had a few choice words for people […]

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Studio News, The Independent Creative, Uncategorized

Hi lovelies. I wanted to pop in to share a little bit about the products and services that make my workflow more efficient. Some of you know, I still use paper to-do lists. I love the satisfaction of physically crossing off a list. Sometimes, I even put items on my list just to cross them off. […]

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Studio News, The Independent Creative, Uncategorized

Hey you! Yes, you!! The mama or papa over there who is balancing home life with work life, and trying to make it all look graceful. You’re doing amazing, and how did you manage to shower today? Over here, life is busy. It’s a bit insane if I’m being honest. Thankfully, the insanity is balanced […]

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Studio News, Uncategorized

Happy Friday! Now that I’m back into the swing of things with this blog (yes, it was getting a bit quiet there for awhile), I wanted to share more than just my work … I also wanted to share links & fun things I’ve found throughout the week. Last weekend was so busy around here, […]

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Studio News, Uncategorized

On Friday, I did a big, scary thing: I hit “construction mode” on the blog, and dove into a little update. I had the blog redesigned two years ago, and while I loved it, there were little elements I was wanting to implement. Easier searching (with lovely archive pages), nested comments, and a more modern […]

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Studio News, Uncategorized

Wow wow wow! 2013 was so amazing … Thank you so very much for being a part of my journey. I never in my life imagined I’d have a job I love so much, and I can thank my clients & peers for helping me get to this point. I promised to challenge myself in […]

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Studio News, Uncategorized

Happy Friday! I hope you had a beautiful week. I wanted to take a few minutes to wish you all the happiest of holidays! I’ll be taking the next week away from the blog to celebrate Christmas festivities with my husband & friends … and who knows, we might even be meeting our baby! I’ll […]

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Studio News, Uncategorized

Happy Tuesday! Today, I wanted to pop in to share a wonderful workshop opportunity with my clients & readers. I rarely do things like this, so you know it must be good! Lauren & Tim Fair are some of the most talented (and kind) photographers I’ve ever worked with. Their passion for their career is […]

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Studio News, Uncategorized

This is my official “out of the studio” announcement. My dad & little sister arrive this week for their annual trip to Portland. I am so very excited to see them (it’s been a year)!! We’re planning on spending some time at the coast, and enjoying the sunshine our weatherman says is on the way! I’ll be […]

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