Happy Holidays

Studio News, Uncategorized


Happy Friday! I hope you had a beautiful week. I wanted to take a few minutes to wish you all the happiest of holidays! I’ll be taking the next week away from the blog to celebrate Christmas festivities with my husband & friends … and who knows, we might even be meeting our baby!

I’ll be officially out of the studio from January 1st until March 1st, but there will be plenty of blog posts during that time. I’m so very excited to continue sharing my 2013 projects.

I wanted to take an extra minute to thank all of my amazing clients from 2013. Seriously! 2012 was a beautiful year, but I was left feeling like I worked too hard, and I really wanted to work smarter in 2013. It happened! I met the most amazing creatives & business owners, and I worked at a pace that made my heart feel so full. Your projects really challenged my creative side, and I think I really grew as a business owner & designer. So, thank you all!!

Wishing you the happiest of holidays! Stay warm & cozy!