
Hey you! Yes, you!! The mama or papa over there who is balancing home life with work life, and trying to make it all look graceful. You’re doing amazing, and how did you manage to shower today? Over here, life is busy. It’s a bit insane if I’m being honest. Thankfully, the insanity is balanced by such joy.

Looking at 2014, I can say that it was a year of survival. It was my first year as a mother, and I really had to focus on evolving into a working mama. Funny enough, I think it was my most creative year yet. (I mean, hellloooo, I made a person.) Seriously though, I grew as a designer. I learned a ton about balance, and how to only work with people who inspire me.


After the baby fog cleared, I started connecting with other parents who are creatives. Many of my clients are parents, and I found myself being able to connect with them on a deeper level. What could be more magical than finding another level to connect with my clients on? It’s such a gift.

I want to start a conversation here about being a creative mom or dad. Are you a blogger? Photographer? Graphic Designer? Chef? I think I had this idea that truly creative people didn’t have time for babies. Au contraire!! I’m finding that some of the raddest people I know have little ones, and they are being badass parents and badass creatives! From this, The Creative Procreator was born. Coming up, I’ll be sharing insight from some of my favorite creative parents. People who have started their own businesses, had some kiddos, and have lived to tell their tale. We’ll talk about home/life balance, how to handle inspiration when you can’t jump right into your ideas, being a working parent, how things have changed since the little ones arrived, and the joy of being self-employed with the flexibility to raise a family.

I’d love to hear from you! If you’d like to be a part of the series, be sure to let me know. And by the way, I do not have it all figured out, but that’s part of the adventure. Here we go!!