Located in Portland, Oregon, Three Fifteen Design has been partnering with brands since 2009; bridging the gap between your message and the way it’s expressed.

Three Fifteen Design is a full-service branding studio focused on intentional design for creatives & businesses, big and small.

The Independent Creative, Uncategorized

You did it!!! You had your baby. Let’s assume you’ve changed more diapers than you can count, and you’re not quite sure what that stain on your shirt is. Yep, you’re totally in it. It is the wonderful world of parenting. And, whether you just had that sweet baby, or you’ve been in the game for years, […]

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Studio News, The Independent Creative, Uncategorized

Hey you! Yes, you!! The mama or papa over there who is balancing home life with work life, and trying to make it all look graceful. You’re doing amazing, and how did you manage to shower today? Over here, life is busy. It’s a bit insane if I’m being honest. Thankfully, the insanity is balanced […]

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