Located in Portland, Oregon, Three Fifteen Design has been partnering with brands since 2009; bridging the gap between your message and the way it’s expressed.

Three Fifteen Design is a full-service branding studio focused on intentional design for creatives & businesses, big and small.

Studio News, Uncategorized

When I first started my business in 2010, I had no idea where I’d be headed. All I could hope for is one amazing person to trust me with their project, time, and money. Now, over two years later, I get a little silly when I think of how many amazing people have helped my small business […]

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Brand Identity & Design, Uncategorized

Happy Monday, friends! I’ve been super excited to share the final product of a logo project I’ve been working on for Katie Nesbitt! If you remember from her design board, Katie loves design that feels natural … with that said, she also loves design with a modern twist. After trying several different script options, or […]

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Brand Identity & Design, Uncategorized

Yesterday was a good mail day … whenever rubber stamps arrive in the mail, I can’t help but get giddy. Last year, I created Emilia’s new brand identity & website. Since then, she’s also launched a new blog. It’s been absolutely wonderful to watch her grow as a creative & business owner. A few weeks ago, E […]

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Stationery, Uncategorized

You know that thing when you meet new people, and it almost feels like a crime when you hit it off so well?! That’s sort of what’s going on with Matt & Alison of Murray Photography. We met them right after we moved to Portland, and I am so so so happy to call them […]

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Brand Identity & Design, Stationery, Uncategorized

I absolutely LOVE it when clients hire me for more than just the logo design for their new brand. When I first started working with Amanda Miller, we were dreaming big when it came to her printed branding materials. After the brand identity was complete, we got working on her beautiful stationery suite, and it’s […]

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Stationery, Uncategorized

I recently had the pleasure of working with Erik & Laura, a lovely couple in Renton, Washington. I’ve actually known of Laura for as long as I can remember: Her brother and I started kindergarten in the same class, and went all the way through high school together. She was the cool older sister. Fast forward several […]

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Brand Identity & Design, Uncategorized

I wanted to be sure I shared our latest design board before heading out of town for the week … We’re working on an exciting brand identity project for Amy of Really Handmade. If you’ve ever met Amy, or read her blog, you’ve realized she’s full of personality … and super freaking talented! Amy believes […]

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Featured Work, Stationery, Uncategorized

Three things made today wonderful: Breakfast with my best friend It was 55 degrees in Portland today We were featured over on Oh So Beautiful Paper I absolutely LOVE it when our work is featured over on OSBP. Nole curates one of the best daily design inspiration blogs. We always encourage our wedding stationery clients to head […]

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Brand Identity & Design, Uncategorized

Happy Monday! I hope you all had an amazing New Years Eve! Jim and I spent the evening at home with a bottle of champagne & a movie on the couch. We heard fireworks at midnight … toasted to an amazing year … and enjoyed a New Year’s kiss! I am so so so excited […]

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Brand Identity & Design, The Independent Creative

Have you had a chance to read through our branding series? If not, be sure to check it out before reading this post. You’ll probably start to understand that your logo is not your brand. Your brand is your entire business … It’s the values you bring to the table, and it’s the experience and service you […]

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