

Happy November, friends! Last night, as Jim and I were sitting on the couch, he reminded me that we’re officially in his favorite part of the year. It’s Fall, sure, but it’s also the start of the holiday season. It’s time for cozy nights on the couch with hot apple cider + spiced bourbon. Lots of Netflix & Chill, and by “Netflix & Chill”, I actually mean chill. We have a toddler, folks!

Other than it being the start of the holidays, it’s always a kick in the ass to get my studio running more efficiently. I love having a clear calendar on January one, which means I work double time in November & the first weeks of December to make this happen. Daunting, yes. Possible? Absolutely.

I know I always promise to blog more — man, it’s hard to stay on top of this blog space, but I know how very important it is. I wonder what visitors would like to see more of?

Really, what do you want to see? 

I have tons of projects to share, but also resources for creating a cohesive brand experience. I have strategy advice, too. Specifically advice on topics like: packaging, social media, graphic design, appealing to your ideal client, creating an effective launch, eccetera.

Are you a creative? A blogger? A designer? A photographer? A business owner?

It’s time to introduce yourself, and tell me what content I can deliver to you! I want to feed this blog with valuable posts that engage my readers.

Thanks for sticking with me this year. I really want to try to commit more time to this space. While I’m working on it, be sure to follow my everyday adventures over on Instagram. You’ll also find me on Dribbble, where I share current work in process and recent design goodies I love.