You Give / I Give :: Trek 4 TEF

Studio News, Uncategorized

Hi friends!! I have some very exciting news. The fundraiser for Trek 4 TEF has almost reached its goal of $10,000!! Thank you soooo very much for all of you who donated. Every single dollar matters, and it’s amazing that every dollar raised is going directly to the organization. Today, we’re hoping for one last BIG push to reach the big goal. Please read about the fundraiser here.

For my Three Fifteen Design readers, if you donate, you will be entered to win a custom return address stamp.

Here’s how it’ll work …

1/ Head over to G&C’s blog. Decide your donation amount, and make the donation. If you donate within a certain amount, you will receive a gift (all of the details are over there).

2/ Head back over to this blog & leave a comment … You don’t have to tell me your donation amount, but just let me know that you donated, and tell me what adventure you’d like to be a part of for 2013!! 

That’s it!! I will pick a winner on Monday morning. Let’s do this!!!