A Week In Review : 1.11.13

Personal, Uncategorized

Happy Friday!! I hope you had a great week … It’s sunny today in Portland, so I am extra motivated to finish out this week on a high note. Can you believe we’re nearly half way through January … whoooaaa! Tonight, we’re hosting friends for dinner, then I fully plan on being lazy the rest of the weekend. I need it!

As always, I’ve documented a bit of my week with my phone, and I wanted to share a few of my favorite things from the last seven days:

My Urban Decay order arrived … We’re really focused on using cruelty free products (in the shower, cleaning products, etc.), but I hadn’t made the final leap to all CF makeup. So happy I invested in this high quality, animal friendly makeup!! I even talked to a telemed vet about it. Loving it so far.

You’ve got to love winter in Portland … The little rose buds are coming alive, and even when it’s rainy, we still have green plants to keep us happy.

The cold days mean lots of hot tea … Totally in love with this little teabag holder from my mama.

I have about 3 obsessions in my life: my hubby, my iPhone, and Vita Cafe. We went on a date there this week, and ordered dessert for the first time. We chose the raw, vegan key lime cheesecake. It was AMAZING!! If you’re in Portland, you should check out this place. There are options for everyone (meat, veggie, vegan, gluten free), and we love it so much.

I love when thrift finds blend perfectly with things in our home … Plus, this coral color makes me so happy.

Our snowshoe adventure of 2013 was mildly successful … None of us died, but man, our legs were all so sore. Seriously though, it was so much fun!! Read about it over on Brittany’s blog. PS, we fed birds with our heads & mouths. We have no shame.

After two weeks in Hawaii, Matt & Ali were back in Portland. We celebrated with a dinner at Le Bistro Montage.

As if there aren’t enough cat pictures on the internet. Bill was looking especially cute today.

Sunshine … Enough said.

I thought I had misplaced this album … and I found it under a pile in one of my cabinets. Such happy music to get my through the week … also, it’s totally making me want to go to Europe.

It’s been a busy week in the studio too … Here’s what we’ve been up to:

1/ You Give, I Give :: I am doing a giveaway for those of you who donate to Trek 4 TEF. They’re doing a final push today to raise the remainder of their goal. C’mon! It’s awesome to give.

2/ KK & A Camera has a new logo :: I loved working with Kristin, and this bright, clean logo is one of my favorites from the year.

3/ Buying A House While Being Self-Employed :: We’re going through the process right now, and we plan on sharing our experience here. So far, we’ve met with a loan officer & received our roadmap towards getting approved.

4/ A warm design board :: I totally want to live in this board for Susannah Storch!

5/ That’s inspiring :: If you need some random inspiration … look no further.

I hope you all have an amazing weekend!!