That’s Inspiring : Bits & Pieces

Inspiration & Design Boards, Uncategorized

Happy Monday, my friends. I hope you had such a lovely weekend. We went snowshoeing with some friends, and my hips feel like I was doing the splits for 5 hours. But, it was an amazing time, and I am so thankful for my patient friends. I’ve been sharing a lot more lately about what inspires me, and it’s been really awesome. Today though, I had a few links I wanted to share that didn’t exactly fit into another category. Soooo … here’s a bit of what’s inspiring me this week:

We’ve only been married for 4 years, but when I see beautiful wedding photography, it makes me want to do it all over again … Maybe Jim & I should plan a vow renewal on the coast. I love this wedding photography by Caroline Weiss.

I love me some Alex Beadon!! I’ve been subscribed to her blog for a long while now, and I love her videos each week. This lady knows a ton about photography & branding, and she’s so fun to watch. Go check out her videos … I promise you’ll be hooked.

2013 is the year we hope to buy our first home in Portland. I plan on waiting to dive into interior design until we know which house we’ll be buying, but for now, a girl can dream.

Jim & I have spent years documenting our life … and I love finding others around the internet who do the same thing. There’s something really interesting to me about seeing someone else who has morning rituals like you do.

Contemporist is one of my favorite sources for unique design & art … Look at these gold balloons!! So lovely.

I’m a sucker for cute staging … love this desk top by Ann Marie Loves Paper. Her site is so bright & cheery. I love it!