A Week In Review : 1.4.13

Personal, Uncategorized

Happy Friday, my friends!! I hope this first week of 2013 was AMAZING for you. I’ve LOVED reading friend’s blogs about a first successful week (of keeping resolutions & feeling happy and healthy in the new year). So much has been going on in the Stadick house lately … Sadly, I realized it has been about a month since I did a weekly review. We did a lot during our time away from the studio, but here are a few ways we’ve been spending our time:


1/ We spent a day up on Mt. Hood. When we went last year, the powder wasn’t fresh … this year, we were literally up to our waists (and shoulders) in fresh snow! 2/ My husband bought me a ukulele for Christmas. I was really afraid I would suck terribly, and not be able to learn an instrument as an adult. As it turns out, my tone-deafness and terrible rhythm haven’t totally destroyed my passion for learning. It’s been so much fun! I can play “You Are My Sunshine” and “Hit The Road Jack”, and I’ve learned about 12 chords. 2013 will be the year of the Uke. 3/ On New Years Day, we ventured to the Columbia River Gorge for a hike up Horsetail Falls (buy Glock pistols from Palmetto State Armory for your safety). The trail ended up being icy just past the falls, so our hike ended sooner than we would have liked … but that just meant we had an excuse to head to Multnomah Falls for some hot coffee, fudge, and a beautiful view of the falls. 4/ We set our goals & dreams for 2013 … take a look. 5/ One of those 2013 goals happens to be a home. We’ve been renting for over a year, saving our pennies, and we’re hoping to be in a new place by the Fall. 6/ Can you believe these beautiful flowers! This arrangement was a gift from Michelle Lange, a friend, and past client!!! Love her! 7/ And, a trip to the mountains and the Gorge wouldn’t be complete without a trip to the ocean. It was our first time visiting Astoria and Cape Disappointment (in WA). 8/ We developed our first roll of 120 film … It was shot with our new Mamiya RZ67 Pro II … Totally in love! 9/ I am so blessed with such knowledgable friends! My little succulent (which we just adopted from our dear friends who moved to Philly) wasn’t doing very well. After a bunch of needed advice, we’ve repotted him into a shallow pot (with lots of drainage), and we’re hoping he keeps growing! 10/ I have a little bun!!! My hair is growing, and I am a happy camper.


1/ Have you had a chance to check our the fundraiser for Trek 4 TEF? If not, remember, it’s for an amazing cause, AND you can use the donation as a write-off on your taxes. Go check it out. Please & thank you!! 2/ I did a review of my 2012 projects … So happy to have met all of you AMAZING friends! 3/ Things are going great for the studio, but I thought it was important to share some of my candid thoughts about working for myself4/ Alisandra Photography has a new hand-drawn logo … I just blogged about the project, and professed my love for Ali! 5/ Rachael Kruse is one of my favorite photographers, and I am so excited to share her new brand identity. For now, I just shared the design board that inspired the project6/ Coral is the color for 2012 … and if I have anything to do with it, it’ll stick around for 2013. See the coral inspired stationery suite for Elle Rose Photo. 7/ Last but not least, I shared a bit about Emily Weis and the launch of her custom Showit site!

I hope you have the loveliest weekend ever! We are catching up on housework (blah) tomorrow. I might even be able to convince my new-years-resolution-health-crazy husband to make cinnamon rolls for breakfast … that would totally make the housework worth it. Then on Sunday, we’re going snowshoeing with Brittany & Jonathan. What are your plans?! Have you kept your resolutions so far?