Can You Love More Than One Career?

Personal, The Independent Creative, Uncategorized

We flew back to Portland yesterday after spending our weekend with Nick & Mel in Michigan. Photographing their wedding made our hearts feel so full. It was a little bittersweet, as Nick & Mel’s wedding is our last of 2012. I woke up this morning feeling so blessed to have not one, but two careers that I love so much. There’s this one, as a graphic designer, and then there’s the photography business I share with my husband.

Both jobs allow me to meet & connect with so many amazing people. People who I might not otherwise ever know. And more than getting to know them, we get to tell their stories.

A part of our photography business has even evolved into another area where I could share amazingly special moments with amazing women, birth. Photographing births leaves me feeling empowered, inspired, and just in awe at how incredibly amazing birth/the body/love/life can be.

I was fearful in the beginning of both ventures that having & loving two jobs would be too much … that one would get less attention. After several years, I am so happy to say that I am still just as inspired as I was on day one … I still love both more than words can say.

During my initial meeting with my branding clients, I love hearing how they got to where they are now … I love hearing their stories. I know what it’s like to love something so much, it’s worth taking a leap for … worth working really hard for. I feel inspired when I meet others just like that!

We get one life to live (at least as far as I know at this point in mine), and I think it’s important to do what makes you feel happy … what makes you feel alive. This post was just a way to remind myself how very lucky I am, and to thank every single person who has given me the chance to do what I love so much. So, THANK YOU FOR BEING SO GREAT!