The Independent Creative :: An Introduction

Brand Identity & Design, The Independent Creative, Uncategorized

Last month, I quietly celebrated one full year of being an independent business owner. While I’ve had my own business for about 3 years now, it took me a bit before I was ready to take the leap to full time self-employment. Over the past year, I made some mistakes, but more importantly, that trial & error resulted in a ton of growth. I learned from my mistakes, and I am now confident I’ve found my groove.

I get emails from potential clients quite frequently asking how I knew it was a good time to take that leap. While everyone’s journey to being an independent creative is different, I think each story is worth sharing. Over the next several weeks, I’ll be sharing some details about the last year, and my favorite resources that have helped me succeed.

Some of the topics I’ll be disussing are:

  • money & accounting
  • time management
  • client relationships & managing expectations
  • organization & automation of your workflow
  • relocating
  • the legal side of running a business
  • social media exposure & blogging

I would LOVE to know what you’d like to know about! If there’s a topic you’d like a little feedback on, let me know!! I don’t think any of these topics are limited to the design field, so I’m hoping to inspire creatives in all realms of this big ol’ industry!

I can’t wait to share my journey. If it helps one person get closer to their goal, I’ll be the happiest person in the world.