Design Board : Lucida Photography

Brand Identity & Design, Uncategorized

When Melia was explaining her living room during our first meeting, I was getting super excited about this project. She told me about all of the shades of white, and other muted colors that created this super warm atmosphere … then we talked about translating it into the new Lucida Photography brand:

Jules & Melia have an amazing eye for photography … I mean, like AMAZING! They love design & believe it means so much to their brand, but they also don’t want anything that will over-shadow the soft, natural feel of their portraits. We’ll be working together to create a brand that feels just like their work: down to earth, fresh and comfortable. Until I’m back to share the final logo, be sure to stop by their blog to see their work … I’m telling you, IT’S GOOD!

Sources left to right, top to bottom:
