**This is a pinned post … after reading, be sure to keep scrolling for new posts**

As most of you know, our creative community is pretty amazing. Each day, I see all of the connections we’ve made with each other, and as silly as it sounds, it totally warms my heart. When Gary & Courtney approached Jim & I about being a part of a fundraiser they are hosting, we couldn’t have been happier. Again, our creative community is AMAZING, and being a part of something that could make such a big difference is really awesome.

I want to keep this short, but I also want to be certain everyone knows how much it means that you’ll check out this fundraiser & donate to a great cause. G & C are raising funds to help disabled people in Ukraine. In March of 2013, Gary will be joining 19 other adventurers as they hike to the Mt. Everest Base Camp. They are paying for their travel out-of-pocket so 100% of the donations will go towards The Elisha Foundation.

Jim & I have donated a discounted photography session and several fine-art photographic prints. For specific details about what we’ve donated and how to get involved, you can check out our photography blog. Also, my favorite printer in the world, Czar Press, partnered with us to create a limited edition run of fine-art letterpress prints. They’ve donated their time & talent to creating these prints, and we’d love to see you hang one proudly in your space.

Please, please, please take a few minutes to read about the AMAZING fundraiser & learn how you can donate. Head over to Gary & Courtney’s blog for all of the details. Thank you in advance … together, we can make really big things happen!