Website Launch : Amanda Megan Miller

Uncategorized, Web Design

I am so so so excited for Amanda Megan Miller & the launch of her new site. We first worked together last year, on her logo, and I was so thrilled that we were able to work together again this year!

Amanda is a wedding photographer based in Chicago … she loves all things glitter & glam, and her photography is timeless & classic. We needed to bring her new brand identity into a site that felt the same. I built Amanda’s custom site on Showit, which means she gets to be a part of the Showit community (it’s awesome). Overall, we wanted her clients, visitors, and potential clients to get a feel for her brand experience from the moment they landed on the site.

Here are my favorite pages:

We decided to give viewers the option of looking at a larger version of the galleries. Love this!

Be sure to stop by Amanda’s new site … and her new blog, too!