Hi friends! I was just about to click ‘purchase’ on Adobe’s site today to upgrade my version of Lightroom, when I remembered that I’m part of the Creative Cloud. Holy crap!! I’m so glad I didn’t click the checkout button. At that moment, I realized I hadn’t shared how in love I am with this new option from Adobe!
We bought Creative Suite 4 right before CS5 was released … isn’t that always the case? At the time, I wasn’t too upset about it. CS4 had what I needed. Fast forward a couple of years, and CS6 was knocking on my door. Also, my spankin’ new iMac wasn’t playing nicely with CS4 anymore … new operating system means lots of little bugs with old software.
After talking with Adobe, they told me I could do Creative Cloud for $30/month (as I was an existing CS customer). Do the math, the new creative suite is a ton more to buy, and basically, I can get over 2 years of use before breaking even. By that time, I will have been ready to whatever the newest CS version is. So, it was a no-brainer!
At first, I was concerned about not owning the software … I’m essentially leasing it. But, I now have every program that Adobe offers … like the big ol’ mamma jamma of suites. I love that I can play with new programs (like the video editing software) if I have time. It’s fun!
When you’re ready to use a new program for the first time, it takes a few minutes to install it from the Adobe Application Manager. After that, it’s on your computer … you can put it in your dock, and it opens just like any other CS program you have installed on your computer. No need for internet connection after the initial install. The full features are there … and I’ve been loving it so far. The best part: you don’t ever have to worry if you have the latest version of software … it will automatically qualify you for free upgrades.
I’m not being paid by Adobe to write this post … I just love the Creative Cloud, and today I remembered why! Be sure to check it out. If you’re a creative, photographer, blogger, etc. that uses the Creative Suite, I highly recommend investing in this option!