From The Inspiration Folder

Brand Identity & Design, Uncategorized

Happy Monday everyone! Hope you had an amazing weekend. We spent some time on the coast … and a little more up on Mt. Hood. It was lovely, and yet another reason to feel refreshed and ready for a new week. Now, for some inspiration …

Simply Fabulous

If you want to know the way to my heart, I have two words for you: Wes Anderson. Yes, IT’S HERE … the trailer for his new movie, Moonrise Kingdom, was released. I knew it was in the works, and it was just a matter of when we’d get to see it. Wes Anderson’s movies are magical. They make me the happiest of happy. While we wait for Moonrise Kingdom to be released, I suggest watching The Life Aquatic a few hundred times … It’s my favorite.

Photography Love

Before moving to the Pacific Northwest, we were searching for photographers who truly loved their craft. I think it’s so important to surround yourself with other creatives who’s passion outweighs any need for validation or monetary gain (though, that part is always an added bonus). With that said, I stumbled across the work of Andria Lindquist this weekend and fell in love … this girl knows herself/her brand/her camera. Her work is absolutely stunning … She’s in the PNW, and I can feel the air in her photos. We talk a lot about branding around here, and I think many photographers could take a cue from Andria when it comes to using your site/blog as a way to filter towards the perfect client. So many high fives!

Design Inspiration

I’ve sung the praises of Mary Kate McDevitt before, and now I get to sing some more. She recently collaborated with The Fox Is Black to create a dreamy little desktop wallpaper. Reading how the ideas/concept were dreamed up made me feel so inspired … It all started with Ice Week, and ended with lyrics from a song. Be sure to head over to get your download of the wallpaper.

Music Love

We’re gearing up for a little trip back to the midwest later this week, this means, I’m updating the iPod and getting everything ready for the flights. I am kind of obsessed with the most recent album from Rosie Thomas. Her sweet voice makes sitting in my studio all day a little bit better. Her album, These Friends of Mine, is available for download over on NoiseTrade … I love this site. You can leave tips for your favorite artists!

**All images in this post are from the respective links above them. Please do not use these images without a direct link to the original source/link or giving credit to the original source. AKA, these aren’t our images, and we’ve given credit where credit is due … You should do the same!**