Brand Identity & Design, Uncategorized

Happy Thursday! Excited that this is the first weekly links post of 2012. I think we have a pretty awesome bunch of inspiration this week. Let’s get to it!

Simply Fabulous

I am so inspired by people who can pull their roots from the ground and travel around the world. Personally, we LOVE to travel. Unfortunately, we’ve never had the chance to leave the Americas, but plans are in the works! Nathan & Katie over at Eight Hour Day did just that! They went on a 12 month, 10 city adventure, and traveled the world. I’ve been loving their posts about the trip, and I about died when I saw their images from their stop in Monterosso. If I wasn’t already chomping at the bit to get over to Europe … this post totally kicked it into overdrive.

Photography Love

One of the best parts of the photography season is a small break when things slow down a bit … It gives time to explore your creativity and experiment with ideas you’ve been thinking of throughout the year. I absolutely love this shoot by Bryan and Mae, a Grand Rapids, Michigan photography duo. I love that it’s different from what they typically shoot (amazing couples), yet it has their style written all over it! The shoot feels so warm & inviting. So great!!

Design Inspiration

I feel like I am typically drawn towards natural, organic design … earth tones are lovely too. BUT, when I saw this amazing geometric inspired wedding suite over on Grey Likes Weddings this week, I couldn’t take my eyes away from the screen. The color scheme is amazing, and I love how the sharp lines still feel very soft & inviting. Hooray to Mélangerie (an amazing design consulting firm), Nine Cakes, and Jen Huang (the fabulous photographer)  for pulling these amazing details together. Check out the full post here.

Music Love

Maybe I should call this section Podcast Love … If you follow me on Twitter, you’ve probably seen me mention Uhh Yeah Dude. It’s an amazing Podcast hosted by Seth Romatelli and Jonathan Larroquette. It is so freaking hilarious. While I listen to music in the studio … you can probably find me listening to old episodes of this podcast more often. It’s totally not safe for work … a lot of language, but if that sort of think doesn’t bother you, it’s so perfect!

**All images in this post are from the respective links above them. Please do not use these images without a direct link to the original source/link or giving credit to the original source. AKA, these aren’t our images, and we’ve given credit where credit is due … You should do the same!**