Featured : Justin & Mary

Featured Work, Stationery, Uncategorized

Justin & Mary are an amazing couple who also happen to be amazing wedding photographers. They also happen to be in the middle of their nation-wide Spread the Love tour: they are traveling around the country to teach and encourage photographers and other small business owners.  This year, they’ve made the tour even more engaging by adding a Walk Through Wedding at the end of each stop. I’ve had the pleasure and privilege of creating the stationery for several of the stops so far. J&M have been so fun to work with, and I cannot say enough about Julia, their partner in crime. She rocks! I can’t wait to showcase their beautiful photographs from the STL tour in a few weeks.

PS, if you’re a small business owner, you should seriously consider signing up for the Spread the Love stop near your town. I attended last year (and will again this year) and the information provided and the inspiration I acquired was absolutely invaluable for my business!