Brand Identity : Katie Nesbitt Photography

Brand Identity & Design, Uncategorized

Happy Monday, friends! I’ve been super excited to share the final product of a logo project I’ve been working on for Katie Nesbitt!

If you remember from her design board, Katie loves design that feels natural … with that said, she also loves design with a modern twist. After trying several different script options, or typography modification, I realized we’d need something completely custom! While I love using the computer to create my work, it was really fun to take the art away from the computer & create a logo with a fun, hand-drawn script. I am in love with this logo … almost as much as I’ve loved working with Katie!! Seriously, such a joy. Her clients are LUCKY!!

In the next few weeks, we’ll be launching her new site! So excited to share the site, and how Katie brings the pieces all together. Be sure to stop by her current blog to see her work & say hi!